Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Utilizing Amazon Glacier to store archived data Part 2

Finally got managerial approval and signed up for it yesterday.  Here in MI at my site we have a 6x6mb internet pipe, I was able to upload 1.2gb in roughly 1.5hours.  I chose to use FastGlacier, the free version.  Honestly the speed I think could be much better, it seems the free version is locked to only two threads and any large upload is broken up into 16mb chunks.

Now our MS site has a much lower upload, I believe they're hovering around 2mb on the upswing and since they have the vast majority of the data to upload I am about to purchase the full FastGlacier and I'll report back on the performance differences.

But aside from the performance, which yes is obviously one of the most important aspects of the application.  The gui itself is very nice.. easy to navigate and understand.  Being able to add multiple accounts, view all vaults and manipulate your vaulted data is very well laid out and accessible.  I really like this program so far!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much Ben for your review and feedback!

    Feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.

    Best Regards,
    Ivan Moiseev,
    FastGlacier Team.
