Friday, September 7, 2018

Unable to consolidate guest, Vcenter 5.5U3

Forgive me but this was a week ago so I don;t have copies of the actual error messages.

So I logged into Vcenter last Monday and found two of my guests needed to have their snapshots consolidated.  Except looking under Snapshot manager neither guest had any listed!

So long story short: I contacted Vmware support and learned that since we use Veeam to backup our vm guests.. that Veeam proxy machines actually mount the VMDK's of my target guests as RO then backs them up.  Well turns out that for whatever reason one of my proxies did not un-mount a couple of guests VMDK files once the backup job was complete.

So if you run into this where you tell a guest to consolidate snapshots and it fails, *AND* you use Veeam then check your proxy machines to verify they have no disks mounted that do not normally belong to it.

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