Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Ansible Tower, Please Configure Passwords In The Inventory File

So lately I've been trying to setup Ansible, and seeing as how.. hopefully by next summer Red Hat will release their Open-Source version of Tower I wanted to get familiar with it early on.

Let me tell you right off the bat, the official Docs are lacking in the initial setup/install department!  I've been exchanging emails with a pre-sales support guy for a week now.  Which incidentally his replies usually take about 24 hours to get her for some reason... Anyway  so after many, MANY failed attempts are running correctly I finally found out that one definite place the docs are mssing info is the Inventory file.

According to $Support the ansible Inventory file is only used for the install process.  Reading their docs: Ansible Install Guide I am led to believe that the Inventory file will control what clients Tower will manage.

So here's my Inventory file that worked:

[mtops@ansible ansible-tower-setup-bundle-3.0.3-1.el7]$ cat inventory
localhost ansible_connection=local






[mtops@ansible ansible-tower-setup-bundle-3.0.3-1.el7]$

 I tried specifying my clients by host name in this file and it'd fail.  I then tried some weirdness I found online somewhere about adding a like that specified your clients ssh username/passwd.  My install is using the bundle so the is also installing a MongoDB (I believe) so if you are using an external DB server you'd specify the connection strings in here too.

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