Monday, June 9, 2014

DNS Resolution Performance

DNS or Domain Name System, has been around almost since the advent of the internet. It's much like a phone book for the web, it tells us the ip addresses for specific hosts.  Hostnames are user friendly.. IP's not so much, so it's a highly important and highly visual service.

As such it's been the target of many attacks over the years, from DNS Poisoning to Spoofing.  It is a big juicy apple on the tree of hack targets.

But this post is not about DNS security.. it's about performance and a slow DNS server can make your entire web experience feel like a slug.  What you need is to benchmark a number of DNS servers, what you need to use to accomplish that is: GRC DNS Benchmark

I've ran this little utility at home and at work and you can and will get varied responses, but in my case by and large Google DNS performance or resolves faster than even my own ISP.

I'd implore everyone to give this a shot, and I bet you a doughnut your 'internet will feel faster'.

*Obviously this will not affect gaming or streaming media, but most other activities it cannot hurt.

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