Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Scripts from Expert Exchange

Guy asked for help creating a powershell script to provide the following:

hello, can someone provide a powershell or quest AD Cmdlets script we can run that will update a security group based on the following attributes:

Custom Attribute 13 = 311,387,383 or 335    and Custom attribute 7 does not eq "Employee"

goal is the script would run against a specific AD container recursively, and look for all accounts that match this criteria and add to a group.

I was able to create a script that worked on my environment:


$users = Get-ADUser -SearchBase "ou=IT Staff,ou=IT,ou=Employees,ou=People,dc=difc,dc=root01,dc=org" -LdapFilter '(extensionattribute1=employee)' 
foreach ($user in $users) {
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "it_test" -Members $users


But his attributes names ha spaces so I do not know if my script would help much.. what I determined was this:


$user = Get-ADUser -SearchBase "ou=IT Staff,ou=IT,ou=Employees,ou=People,dc=difc,dc=root01,dc=org" -filter { (custom attribute 13 -like "311") -and (custom attribute 13 -like "387") -and (custom attribute 13 -like "383") -and (custom attribute 13 -like "335") 
-and (custom attribute 7 -notlike "Employee")
foreach ($user in $users) {
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "group" -Members $users

$users = Get-ADUser -SearchBase "ou=IT Staff,ou=IT,ou=Employees,ou=People,dc=difc,dc=root01,dc=org" -Filter {(extensionattribute13 -eq 311) -Or (extensionattribute13 -eq 387) -Or (extensionattribute13 -eq 383) -and (extensionattribute7 -notlike "employee")}
foreach ($user in $users) {
Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "it_test" -Members $users

Updated code script above.. this one worked for me.  Pulled the test users and placed then into the test security group.

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